

Submissions for the 23rd Tofifest International Film Festival have begun!
On January 15th, 2025, we open submissions for two competitions at the 23rd Tofifest International Film Festival! The deadline for sending entry forms is April 30th. More »

‘78 Days’ and ‘The Peasants’ are the winners of the 22nd edition of the Tofifest International Film Festival. Kujawy Pomorze Region!
The winner of the On Air Main Competition is ‘78 Days’ by Emilija Gašič, while ‘The Peasants’ by DK Welchman and Hugh Welchman triumphs in the From Poland competition. More »

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Bingo · dir. Timur Ismailov
The Netherlands 2009, 27’
Polish premiere

Bingo is a young gypsy from Moldova who came to Holland in search of a better life. In order to survive as an illegal immigrant he works for a demolition company together with Russian Sergei and Chechen Umar. Despite the hard circumstances Bingo maintains his sense of humour and optimism.

Director:Timur Ismailov
Screenplay:Timur Ismailiov
Cinematography:Lennart Verstegen
Editing:Annelotte Medema
Cast:Sergiu Voloc, Yasar Üstüner, Dimitri Bilov, Jacques Lucassen, Mark Zak
Awards:Najlepszy Studencki Film Niderlandzki / Best Dutch Student Film (Tuschinski Award, Netherlands FF 2009); Lion Award (IFFSF Taipei 2009); Nagroda Publiczności / Audience Award (My Europe Traveling FF 2010)

Timur Ismailov was born and grew up in Baku (Azerbaijan) in 1977. He studied social and political sciences in Baku and economics and philosophy in Kaliningrad. In 2004 Timur was admitted to Netherlands Film and Television Academy, faculty of screenwriting.