‘78 Days’ and ‘The Peasants’ are the winners of the 22nd edition of the Tofifest International Film Festival. Kujawy Pomorze Region! The winner of the On Air Main Competition is ‘78 Days’ by Emilija Gašič, while ‘The Peasants’ by DK Welchman and Hugh Welchman triumphs in the From Poland competition. More »

My Joy

Schastye moye · dir. Sergei Loznitsa
Germany, Ukraine, The Netherlands 2010, 127’


06/27, 22:15 · Kino Centrum

06/29, 10:00 · Kino Centrum


Russia, present day, summer: Truck driver Georgy picks up his latest load and heads off for the motorway, stopping off first at home, where he avoids contact with his wife. His journey is interrupted by two traffic police at a checkpoint; and when he evades their seemingly-unnecessary attentions and returns to his cab, he finds an old man sitting in the front seat. The man asks for a lift, and, in return, tells Georgy the sobering story of his return from the German front in 1946. After the old man disappears, Georgy drives into a traffic jam on the main road. A teenage prostitute appears and offers to show him a short-cut — along with her services — and they end up at a village market. There, hurt by Georgy’s attempt to show her some kindness, she abandons him. Leaving the market, Georgy continues his journey alone and ends up lost in a field. By now, night has fallen and his truck has broken down. Three tramps appear out of the darkness, planning a robbery. They invite Georgy for a meal by the fire and offer him a drink.

Director:Sergei Loznitsa
Screenplay:Sergei Loznitsa
Cinematography:Oleg Mutu
Editing:Danielius Kokanauskis
Cast:Vlad Ivanov, Viktor Nemets, Olga Shuvalova, Maria Varsami, Vladimir Golovin
Awards:Najlepszy Debiut – Biały słoń – Nagroda Rosyjskiej Gildii Krytyków Filmowych / Best Debut – Russian Guild of Film Critics Award “White Elephant”; Grand Prix za Najlepszy Film – FF w Tallinie / Grand Prix for Best Film – Tallin FF (2010); Grand Prix za Najlepszy Film – MFF w Mińsku / Grand Prix for Best Film – Minsk IFF (2010); Grand Prix za Najlepszy Film, Nagroda FIPRESCI – MFF „Mołodist” w Kijowie / Grand Prix for Best Film, FIPRESCI Award – Molodist Kiev IFF (2010); Oficjalna selekcja – 63. edycja FF w Cannes / Official selection – 63rd Cannes FF (2010)

Sergei Loznitsa was born in 1964 in Baranovichi, Belarus (former USSR). He grew up in Kiev, Ukraine, where he graduated from the Kiev Polytechnic Institute with a degree in engineering and mathematics. He worked for several years at the Institute of Cybernetics as a scientist involved in the development of expert systems and artificial intelligence. In 1991, Sergei entered the Russian State Institute of Cinematography in Moscow graduating in 1997, and eventually started producing his films at the prestigious Documentary Films Studio in St Petersburg. In 2001 he moved with his family to Germany.

2010 – Moje szczęście / My Joy
2008 – Northern Light
2008 – Rewia / Revue
2006 – Artel
2005 – Blokada / Blockade
2004 – Factory
2003 – Landscape
2002 – Portrait
2001 – Settlement