KaskadaKaskadadir. Dariusz Gackowski
21 October, 20:00: Artus Cinema
Katarzyna RosłaniecMeeting cancelled due to reasons beyond24 October, 18:40: Cinema City – room 6
Kobieta TwojaKobieta Twojadir. Jacek Szymczak
28 October, 18:00: Artus Cinema
KotokoKotokodir. Shin’ya Tsukamoto
26 October, 22:00: Artus Cinema
Krzysztof ZanussiOpening of the Toruń Film Route29 October, 12:00: the corner of Szewska and Podmurna streets
KwaidanKaidandir. Masaki Kobayashi
21 October, 22:00: Artus Cinema